
Discord notification bot for all your RIT needs!
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Prefix: rit


dining ‹location›
available parameters: bcc (Brick City Café ), cmc (Café & Market at Crossroads), tc (The Commons), gracies (Gracie's)
Get the daily special menus for a specific place!
dining hours or hours-open
Check which dining places are open or not

Social Media

Gathers the latest twitter posts from @RITtigers (RIT's Twitter)
Gathers the last 3 reddit post in r/rit (RIT's reddit page)

These were the only features we were able to implement on time, but many more features can be added to TigerBot!
Here are some features we were thinking about:
  • Automation for messages: subscription to certain features and receive DMs from TigerBot
  • More APIs and webscraping: working with more services that Tigers use and integrate it with TigerBot (ex. myCourses notifications, @rit.edu emails)