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Guide to Windows AVR Development Toolchains

Setting up Toolchain

Windows with avr-gcc

  • two options: Atmel Studio vs WinAVR
  • make sure to change your PATH variable with WinAVR to allow commands ( make, avrdude, avr-gcc) to be available without needing to type the entire path

Arduino IDE

Read below.

Using the Arduino

Flash Programmer + Chip (Arduino is the target)


The pins of the ATmega chip on the Arduino corresponds to the I/O pins exposed by it. All you need to do is find which Arduino pin associates with the chip pin.


Arduino IDE

  1. The Arduino IDE is capable of running C code. It might need setting up.
    1. Download the AVR Programming Library and add it as a library in the Arduino IDE
    2. Fix up the portpins.h file
  2. Put the code in the IDE, include the header files by importing the library.
  3. Plug in the Arduino to the computer, click ‘Verify’ and ‘Run’.

avr-gcc toolchain


Flash Programmer (Chip is External, Arduino is just the programmer)


Hook up the Arduino to the chip on the breadboard. Connect the essential six connections:



Arduino IDE

  1. Flash example code ArduinoISP (converts Arduino to Arduino In-System Programmer)
  2. Tools > Programmer > Arduino as ISP
  3. Tools > Board > Arduino Pro Mini
  4. Processor > ATmega168 (3.3V, 8MHz)
  5. Shift + Ctrl + U to upload

avr-gcc toolchain

  1. Flash example code ArduinoISP (converts Arduino to Arduino In-System Programmer)
  2. Edit Makefile so it know how to use the Arduino programmer:
    PROGRAMMER_TYPE = avrisp
    PROGRAMMER_ARGS = -b 19200 -P com5 # or whatever port it is
  3. Edit MCU=atmega168
  4. Flash the code: make flash

Flash Programmer (USBasp)

  1. Need to install driver with Zadig
  2. Some warning about sck, resolve by updating the firmware But need to solder on header pins for the programming mode switch with jumpers

https://www.instructables.com/USBASP-Installation-in-Windows-10/ https://zadig.akeo.ie/ https://forum.arduino.cc/t/usbasp-cannot-set-sck-period/96164/4 https://www.fischl.de/usbasp/ https://www.fischl.de/usbasp/Readme.txt


https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~brecht/servers/docs/PowerEdge-2600/en/Pe6450/IT/4097Paa0.pdf https://maker.pro/forums/threads/what-is-a-jumper-cap-and-when-do-i-use-them.293037/ https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/74259/how-are-jumpers-used