Hi it's me, Ashley.
Featured Projects
Most recent projects worthy of sharing. Ordered by date started.
http server from scratch
logging my process

small arduino programs
simons says, automatic dog feeder
arduino basic-electronics

Spotify Discography Breakdown
MERN web application to see the trends of your favorite artist's songs using Spotify analysis features
nodejs mongodb react expressjs d3 spotify-api

Interactive Country Name
interactive map for country names in different languages with grammatical genders

Personal Website
Development timeline of my personal website

Geographize your Spotify listening history by mapping out country of origin
python spotify-api django

Hackathon Projects
Featured projects made at Hackathons
@ WicHacks 2023
A grocery inventory management system using weight measurement
nodejs arduino

Seinfeld Calendar
@ M&T Hack and Meet 2
(mostly) pure Javascript digital Seinfeld Calendar productivity tool

For a list of all the projects I worked on, check out my Github (in the about page).