Hi it's me, Ashley.


Chrome extension integrated with Anki spaced repetition app, specialized for Korean


암기 (Amgi) is a Chrome extension that integrates with the Anki flashcard software. It uses an add-on called Anki-Connect that exposes a localhost server whenever Anki is running.

When a user highlights a word that they wish to add to Anki, 암기 will:

Altogether, the extension makes adding new vocabulary to Anki much easier and faster. Now I can focus on studying Korean!

Usage and Technical Details

The user must have a local installation of Anki with the Anki-Connect add-on. It must also be launched and running in order to use the extension.

Tech “Stack”


I am currently learning Korean and make vocabulary flashcards with the Anki flashcard software. The problem is that making new cards is a very tedious process (need to input word, find the definition, download audio file, etc.) So I thought, why don’t I automate it?

Future Features and Improvements